Ms. Coulter confuses her own, and the elitist radical
right's, chauvinism for American destiny and Christian privilege.
American destiny has as a concept two distinct aspects:
for the individual there is the American dream;
for the nation there is the Christian heritage
that results from our Christian roots.
Both aspects of this concept have been deeply and dangerously
eroded. This erosion has been more a result of the egotism of the radical right than of anything liberalism has done or failed
to do.
However, egotism cuts across the entire political spectrum
and is responsible for what passes as a cultural elite -- the coulter, o'reilly, reagan, kennedy prism through which we are
all forced to view the world.
It is not difficult to lump the patron saint of liberalism
in with the apostate icons of the radical right for the kennedys enjoy "Jet Skis, steak on the electric grill, hot showers,
and night skiing" as much as does Ms. Coulter.
In fact, Ms. Coulter and Teddy Kennedy have been on
the slopes together -- the slippery slopes of irresponsible ramblings.